Landfill Gas Management Systems

landfill-gas-wellhead-33473225_stdWith Subtitle D landfills beginning to age, the production of landfill gas has become both an operational issue as well as a potentially profitable commodity for many landfill sites. Whether your site is mandated under Title V Regulations or you’re interested in the many benefits capturing landfill gas can bring to your site, CENTEC has the experience and expertise to help you manage your site’s gas generation.

CENTEC Engineering, PLLC personnel have designed, permitted, and managed the construction of landfill gas projects for both large and small facilities. These projects have been used to reduce landfill odors, generate marketable carbon credits, and produce renewable energy for landfill usage as well as selling electricity back to the grid.


Our Services Include

  • Complete landfill gas system design and permitting
  • Flare design and skid layout
  • Construction plan and bid document preparation
  • Construction contract administration
  • Troubleshooting and operational assistance

Representative Clients

  • Meadowfill Landfill, Inc.
  • Northwestern Landfill, Inc.
  • Verdeo
  • LCS Services, Inc.
  • Mercer County Solid Waste Authority

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